Kaldi's Delicious Discovery!
find it hard to start my day without a big cup of coffee.
No one knows the actual origin of coffee, however it is believed its history
started in Ethiopia. Legend says Kaldi, a goat herder, in the medieval kingdom
of Kaffa, discovered coffee plants in 850 A.D. His goats after eating the coffee
berries had extreme energy. Kaldi informed local monks about the berries who
proceeded to make a drink out of the berries.
From these humble beginnings coffee eventually spread throughout the world
Coffee has
actually been more important in my life than just waking me up. For several
years, while working for Obsidian Group, I oversaw the construction and opening
of multiple Coffee Culture® cafes. These coffee cafes were modeled on a
European tradition of coffee houses that date back hundreds of years. Even
after leaving Obsidian Group, coffee was still in my future. I spent a year in
China working with a friend, Will Du, who owned a coffee machine manufacturing
company. His Java® store front location was initially mainly a showcase for his
machines. I developed this location in Hangzhou into a café concept which he
has subsequently opened in several other locations in China. Eve4n in China where tea reigns supreme coffee is making inroads,
Coffee Houses have always been meeting and gathering places where people come to relax and discuss issues of the day. Coffee is so ingrained in our lives that it is strange to think that it was at times considered a dangerous drug. Throughout history there have been several attempts to outright ban or illegalize coffee, some for religious and other for political reasons. The five most documented instances, in history, that nearly banned coffee and could have altered the very drink so many of us enjoy each day are:
Mecca and IslamIn 1511, Khair Beg, the governor of Mecca, decided to ban coffee. He be4lieved coffee to be as dangerous and intoxicating as wine, which was prohibited by the Quran. Fortunately, after great opposition from the public and councilors, the sultan of Egypt overturned the ruling and coffee was flowing in Mecca once more.
During the 16
th century many members of the clergy believed
coffee could corrupt people with its great taste. It was labelled as a satanic
drink with many priests calling for its ban. However, Pope Clement VIII tried
the drink, deciding it was not the work of the devil, but instead a delicious
drink. To reinstate it into Christian life, the Pope baptized the drink,
declaring it a Christian beverage.
The Ottoman EmpireMurad IV believed coffee was a drug rather than a drink, that
coffeehouses spread radical ideas and provoked social disorder. He therefore sent
out orders from Constantinople that anyone found purchasing or selling coffee
get beaten on their first offence. For a second offence, they would be sown
into a leather bag and tossed into the Bosphorus Strait. The most severe
penalties against coffee ever!
By the 18
th century coffee consumption had spread to most of
the world. King Gustav believed there were numerous negative health benefits
associated with drinking coffee. Citing “excessive drinking” amongst the public
King Gustav III banned coffee in 1746. To prove his theory of negative health
benefits, Gustav conducted his very own ‘scientific’ experiment with a pair of
twins. One twin was ordered to drink excessive amounts of coffee, while the
other drank similar amounts of tea. Ironically, both twins outlived the late
King, with the coffee-drinking twin surviving the longest. This may well have
been the first study on the health benefits of coffee.
In 1777, Frederick the
Great of Prussia issued a manifesto claiming beer’s superiority over coffee. He
argued that coffee interfered with the country’s beer consumption.
For years, Frederick continued his campaign against coffee, raising
taxes to keep it out of the hands of commoners.

While King Gustav’s study may have been the first, even today coffee is
under almost constant scrutiny as to its health benefits or detriments. Even so
Coffee has become the second most traded commodity on the planet only behind
has also become the second most popular drink in the world, just after water
More on Coffee, and Coffee Milestones throughout history in coming posts.
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